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What are the different kinds of motion graphics, and what are the benefits of using them?

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered people’s lives all over the world. Its influence on the world’s health and economics has altered business practices throughout industries, including design. Businesses need to adapt now and in the future.
Instead of just telling people what you do, use brand storytelling to demonstrate how to buy.
In order for businesses to survive in the modern day, a number of trends have emerged. A number of trends have emerged within the realm of design. Nonetheless, the future of motion graphics as it pertains to graphic design will be our primary emphasis.
Over time, the role of a graphic designer evolves. Even a graphic designer with extensive experience in other areas, such as logo design, typeface development, poster design, etc., must now acquire knowledge in motion graphics and user experience. Employers are increasingly looking for employees with skills in motion graphics or user experience.

In this section, we will provide a quick overview of motion graphics and then go over some of their advantages

Visual Effects

Motion graphics, often called motion design, are visuals that can move around. With the addition of time and space, primarily through dynamics or movement, to existing media, the goal of motion graphics is to convey a message more effectively.
The pioneering work of animators Oskar Fischinger (1900–1967) and Norman McLaren (1914–1987) in the 1940s is considered to be the genesis of motion graphics. Motion graphics first gained widespread attention in the 1950s because of the work of famous designers like Pablo Ferro, Maurice Binder, and Saul Bass.
The use of motion graphics has grown and become more diverse due to the advancement of technology and the proliferation of screens on various devices. Motion graphics have evolved into show openers, station logos, forecast screens for news, and virtual backdrops. In the specialized field of user experience motion design, motion graphics have been crucial in assisting in the development of improved interface experiences for websites and applications. From narrative-driven advertisements to animated Instagram posts, motion graphics play an important role in advertising, particularly on social media.
While both animation and motion graphics have elements of movement, the two are not identical. While both motion graphics and animation help bring static objects to life, the main focus of the former is on achieving specific business goals, while the latter is more closely tied to creative pursuits, such as narratively rich feature films or short films. While motion graphics convey information clearly and graphically, animations evoke feelings by giving life to characters. The development of a narrative, character designs and modelling, location planning, etc. are all substantial production investments in animation, whereas motion graphics are simpler.

Various Forms of Moving Images

While there is a lot of room for classification within the realm of motion graphics, the three most common types of effects are emotive, explanatory, and promotional. This is a must-know before making any kind of motion graphics video.

Strongly feeling

The main objective of these videos is to evoke strong emotions in the audience. Depending on the scenario, emotions could be either good or bad. Your video’s goal is to evoke an emotional response from its audience so that they will take some sort of action after viewing it.


The main goal of these short films is to paint a clear picture of a complex idea in order to make it easier to understand. When the story is complex, technical, or requires a lot of steps to finish or explain, this method tends to perform better.


Increasing sales is the primary objective of promotional videos. When compared to the other types of sales videos and motion graphics, this one is usually easier to spot. Included in these movies should be any information that can persuade the viewer to make a purchase.

The merits of moving pictures

For reasons already mentioned, the global lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the number of people using social media and other connected devices, which in turn has opened up new avenues of opportunity for online advertising and marketing. The majority of industries are increasingly relying on digital platforms to communicate with their customers in a more timely and effective manner.
Print ad agencies are gradually giving way to social media advertising on sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. As a result, more people are posting on social media. Moving images into social media messages is becoming more of a priority for companies. This is a great chance for graphic designers to learn something new, so they should stay up with the latest trends.
Boosting consumer familiarity with a brand is a key outcome of motion design. The ability of viewers to understand intricate pictures, text, and concepts depends on how well they are presented in an approachable, engaging, and straightforward manner.
The fact that it can be shared effortlessly across numerous social networks is an additional perk. This capability improves ROI in the long run by expanding the reach of the message. Animator notes on its blog that 60% of customers who made a purchase first learned about the brand on social media, and that 58% of customers check out a company’s social media before going to their website.
The third justification is that it allows your employer to stand out from the crowd by establishing hip trends. Websites featuring videos receive around 2.6 times more views than static ones. Apart from that, a video’s strength lies in its ability to hold the audience’s interest for a longer duration, as opposed to a statistic. Evidence from studies showing that 93% of firms gained a new client as a result of a social media video also shows that it is effective in driving purchases. In any case, 84 percent of consumers say that a brand’s video influenced their purchase decision.

Before we wrap up,

We want to make it clear that learning motion graphics is a fascinating and crucial field for businesses and designers to delve into. The fact is that certain companies will not benefit from certain motion design ideas. Although motion graphics may not be the best option for every website, they can help keep content interesting and engaging, boost user engagement, and even attract younger viewers. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for assistance in determining the approach and style that would complement your product the most.

Author admin

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