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5 key elements that every Brand Concept should possess to stand apart, visible to succeed.

Brand Name

The first and foremost, it is very essential to have a name of the brand that goes with the nature of the business, aims and objectives of the company, features, and attributes of the products and services offered and should convey the true spirit of the brand. It is very important to craft the name of the brand that is quite distinctive, unique, catchy, and enticing but should not be ambiguous at the same time. It should not be similar to the ones of the competitor brands to avoid copywriter issues.


With the brand name comes the tagline working as the second most crucial element of the Brand Concept. The tagline is basically the slogan of the brand within the fulcrum of two to five words that convey the brand attributes and features in a short and crisp fashion. For example, the tagline of Nike that is one of the biggest and renowned sports brands is ‘Just Do It’ complementing the nature of its products i.e., sportswear along with the target audience that are sports personalities and fitness enthusiasts.

Creative Elements

The creative elements of the brand include the logo, mascot, typography, fonts, and color palette. All of them in a combination should be designed in an aesthetic and creative way signifying the nature of the business and characteristics and strengths of the brand and its offerings. For example, taking the discussion of the Nike brand forward, the logo of the sportswear brand has the mascot of a right forward tick or a check sign in a curved manner signifying that the products of the brand are the best for the athletes and the sports personalities plus the creative elements depict the youthfulness and vibrancy.


The element of language is quite important for the Brand Concept as the brand should have a specific tonality and play of words depending on its objectives and types of products and services offered. The tone of brand language can range from sincerity, authoritative, helpful, or customer-centric.


The Brand Concept should encompass the important and crucial messages and information that the brand wishes to convey to its stakeholders that include employees, customers, vendors, sponsors, and investors. The messaging statements of the brand comprise of the mission statement vision statement, and corporate guidelines.

Without these above elements, your brand concept is incomplete. When you are planning to accomplish your business goals you cannot afford to mismatch the very core of your branding concept.

  • Has the business strategy or motto changed over the years:

What do you think of when you hear the words ‘Just Do It!’. Nike tried changing their slogan to ‘I Can’ only to revert it. A change in business model, a new tagline all work well with a fresh look at the logo as well.

  • Has the advertising medium changed for you:

Advertising is no longer limited to the print ads or prime time TV commercial slots. New age marketing has moved to social media, ranging from in-app ads to Instagram influencers. Research has proved that the attention span of people is at an all time low, if it doesn’t immediately hit a chord , people merely scroll past it. So if the logo is too elaborate, confusing or too outdated, it will end up being out of sight & out of mind.

If you’ve answered with a yes to any of the above, then it’s time to go for a makeover. We at TIGMedia will help you glam up your brand story with a powerful logo that will reach the right people. For more details, get in touch with our team today.


Author admin

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