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When you have just started, you are more careful about where you invest in your marketing. Brands with limited promotional budgets must spend wisely to receive the most from the money invested. While 100% of the startups agree to the fact that whatever business it is, digital media marketing has become mandatory. Within this wide sector, social media marketing is taking its space only for rhyme and reason that it is a cost-effective marketing method.
So, what makes social media marketing so great? In this post, we have listed the top 5 reasons why social media is a must and what makes it the first choice of marketing for startups. With every reason, we have provided tips suggested by a social media company in Trivandrum.

Your Target Audience is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

According to a statistic, the total number of users globally on social media networking platforms is expected to cross 3.1 billion. With this figure, no smart brand would want to neglect the power of social media. Staying connected with your audience on social media channels is easy.

Tip: Don’t wait for your audience to come to you. Go to them! If you aren’t around your audience, you may be missing a potential buyer.

Consumers love interacting with their favorite brand

Gone are the days when customers used to write letters and emails to send suggestions and feedback about the product/service they have tried. Today, with a click of a button, they visit the brand’s fan page and send messages or post comments. Further, brands too have taken the leverage of social media channel’s features to quickly respond to their customers.
Tip: Hire a social media marketing agency in Trivandrum that can keep a track of customer responses 24 x 7 and respond instantly.

Increases Brand Value

Before anyone else, Google gives importance to the brands that are genuine and are active. Your brand recognition increases when you keep improving your visibility on social media channels.
Tip: Post compelling content regularly that will make your brand familiar for a few audiences.

Increases your inbound traffic

Your brand promotion on Social Media Channels indirectly complements SEO activities. Your presence on social media platforms opens the way for inbound traffic to your website. Every new post on your website can get new visitors to your website.
Tip: Ensure you add the link of your website and your brand name in each post.

Make smart use of Social Media Adverts

Though SMM advertisement does ask for up-front investment, a social media company in Trivandrum suggests it can do a lot more to your organic postings. You can target and further retarget a specific set of audiences according to their demography, interest, age group, etc.
Tip: Start with a small investment and increase gradually.
If your brand is tight on budget, at least invest in creating a presence. You can keep the pages active by posting organically till the time you fetch some money to invest in adverts.


Author admin

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