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Rebranding For The Right Reasons: The When & Why of Logo Redesign


Current times have taught us that every day creates new challenges as well as new opportunities in the industry. Since the beginning of this year we have witnessed many new forms of marketing and advertising. Brands have been forced to adapt and evolve to keep up with their target audience as well as the current economic situation.

Rebranding helps, not just in the case of a pandemic(here’s to hoping we soon see the end of this one), but to also refresh your position in the market. While many brands have successfully mastered this art of redesigning and rebranding there have also been instances although few, like Starbuck’s redesign, when this decision has backfired. Hence rebranding needs careful though.

How to decide if you need to redesign your logo?

It can’t be stressed enough how vital a logo is as a part of your product or service. A good logo helps to garner the much needed exposure to your brand, rendering it possible to conquer the market. We have seen iconic logo redesigns happen from the very subtle changes Google does every other year to the transformation undergone by Apple.

Here are some key points to keep in mind when considering an update:

  • Does your design keep in sync with the time:

Although your business might have been handed down over generations, your logo need not belong to the same era. While we all like a bit of nostalgia, it is pertinent to add a touch of modernity to the same. Take Ford or Cadbury for example who have managed to retain the legacy while still keeping the logo fresh.

  • Has your business grown:

It is inevitable for a business to diversify and venture into other branches. If you have recently started something new, it is important to update the logo to reflect the change. If you’re opting for hybrid brand model, or endorsing a brand, a logo redesign is the best way to let the audience know.

  • Has the business strategy or motto changed over the years:

What do you think of when you hear the words ‘Just Do It!’. Nike tried changing its slogan to ‘I Can’ only to revert it. A change in the business model, a new tagline all work well with a fresh look at the logo as well.

  • Has the advertising medium changed for you:

Advertising is no longer limited to print ads or prime time TV commercial slots. New age marketing has moved to social media, ranging from in-app ads to Instagram influencers. Research has proved that the attention span of people is at an all-time low, if it doesn’t immediately hit a chord, people merely scroll past it. So if the logo is too elaborate, confusing or too outdated, it will end up being out of sight & out of mind.

If you’ve answered with a yes to any of the above, then it’s time to go for a makeover. We at TIGMedia will help you glam up your brand story with a powerful logo that will reach the right people. For more details, get in touch with our team today.


Author admin

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