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The process of creating a reputation as a professional Logo designer


 Is something I’ve focused on. Therefore in this article and the accompanying podcast, I’ll detail the steps I’ve used to make myself an expert in logo design.

In addition to doing great work by providing an outstanding level of customer service and having a solid portfolio of logo designs with inspiring examples, the strategies I’ve employed to establish my reputation include blogging, social media, and podcasting videos, as well as juries and awards, and social evidence.


Social media posting



Social media posting is one way of marketing, but it also helps to establish yourself as an authority.

There’s an endless list of social media platforms controlled by their rules. The key to success on any platform is to be consistent. However, there’s only a certain number of hours in a day, so being active on every platform regularly isn’t practical for most of us.


My strategy has been to select one platform and do it correctly. As a result, I’ve been able to devote my time to studying everything I can learn about the platform. In addition, time and energy are required to create quality content and be consistent with my appearance.


Imagine a social platform as a kind of fire. If you try to ignite ten fires simultaneously, it’s likely to be unsuccessful. When you’ve got one fire lit, you’re ready to move on to the next to watch the fires you’ve lit before diminishing to nothing. However, committing all your energy and time to one can keep an active fire going.


The benefit of this method is that once you have a burning fire, all you have been doing to maintain it is burning is adding fuel now and then, which means you can focus on the next flame and keep the previous one burning as well. The same is true with social media.


After you’ve built an impressive community of loyal users on one platform, you’ll be ready to step away and build an empire on another platform. But unfortunately, you’ll have to revisit the first platform to maintain the momentum.


At the beginning of my journey, I put a lot of effort into growing my following on Twitter, among many of the most extensive social networks.


Because it’s a microblogging system that allows only a small number of characters, it was an ideal platform that could be used to supplement working. I could post whenever it was convenient to me, such as while eating breakfast, waiting for a train as well … as well, and, to be completely truthful … when I was sitting in the bathroom …


What do you write about?

You can make your content; however, you don’t have to. For example, I’ve kept a list of top site and logo design resources. Then, when you post my own, I’ll share that information and my own. So while it’s not mine in the sense that I am constantly sharing informative and relevant information and updates related to my knowledge, I’ll get recognized for it even if I didn’t invent the content.


However, more than posting on your blog is needed to build a loyal audience. It’s equally important to connect with your followers. So if someone contacts you ensure that you respond.


Begin discussions and participate in discussions started by other people. As you meet more individuals and connect, the more extensive and active your network will get, and you’ll slowly build a reputation for providing quality.


No matter what platform you pick, ensure that you research and learn about the insides and outsides of the platform to get the most out of it.



Writing is among the most effective ways to share your knowledge as well as prove that you’re knowledgeable about the subject you’re discussing.

You may not be up for the task if you’re not a writer. That was what I felt when I first started, and I’d like you to attempt it. In college and at school, I struggled with my writing and needed help. After I graduated from school, I was hardly writing or reading.

When I began working for an agency for web design, we were urged to write blog entries since it was a small business. Since I started writing daily, my writing abilities have become more proficient. So, when I began my logo design business, I continued to be active in writing.

When I began writing about a subject that intrigued me, I began to love the process! In the last ten years, I’ve seen my writing skills improve to the point that I’ve had the chance to begin writing an autobiography, and it’s almost finished!

I started my blog to record and share what I learned. In time, I began using it to answer inquiries, explore the inner workings of my creative process, and document my journey as an artist.

You may also write for other people. For example, contributing guest posts on other well-known websites for business or design will also aid in the growth of your reputation.

Suppose you write regularly and communicate your expertise and experience. You’ll be recognized for your writing abilities and establish a name in that case.

Host a podcast

Podcasting is yet another method of content creation. However, instead of writing the things you’ve learned and say what you are aware of. In contrast to blogging, it’s easy to cover up other people’s work when podcast listeners can hear your voice and come to know love and believe in you. It could be a stand-alone show, or you can host it with others. As I have done, you can invite guests to add depth and perspectives to your show.


As a child, I was anxious and could not handle public speaking, especially in smaller groups. At school, I did my best to avoid these situations; however, as I grew older, it became a significant issue that kept me from progressing professionally.


I decided to seek assistance. I saw nurses who suggested that I suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder. To aid me in this, I was given a type of talk therapy known as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy that helps to manage your issues by altering your thinking and behavior. It requires you to confront your fears.


Podcasting was my first step into the world of podcasting. When I hit that button to record, it brought to mind all the anxieties and fears that I had to face in any public setting. Finally, however, I could be in a secure space and decide how much I used it.


Though I made many mistakes and had to rewrite my words, the great thing about audio is that it allows you to take out the parts you don’t want to hear and record yourself repeatedly as you need to. So long as your final product sounds great and is clear, that’s all that counts. As you do more, you get better. It took me several years to get there, but now I am extremely confident as a podcast host and am enjoying the process.


Although my show has been a success and has provided me with many personal advantages, including creating a brand name, I believe that to make maximum value from the show and differentiate it from other design podcasts; I’d recommend making specific content targeted to your intended audience.


For instance, if you are looking to reach restaurant owners and their families, you could develop an episode series titled “Restaurant Branding Tips,” in which you talk about ways branding and design can be utilized to enhance the overall experience in the restaurant, to draw more patrons and increase revenue.


Podcasting is a great way to network. You can interview successful restaurant owners and go into the background of their journey if you can talk to them directly, and they may eventually turn into clients.


The podcasts are released as a season, made from the number of episodes you want. You can also publish an episode regularly, for example, every week or monthly.


My podcast started out as seasons that comprised ten episodes. However, over time it has grown into a weekly program thanks to the generosity of sponsors who finance and produce the program. This allows me to focus on making helpful content.


For instance, this episode is presented by The Perfect Match Game Show, a show for designers. They could win $1000 by creating a mood board inspired by their brand and just by participating. Adobe will provide you with an item for free, and it’s an all-win scenario.


Do you want to be interviewed?



Myriad podcasts cover all the topics that you can imagine. Many include guests and are seeking exciting guests to join their podcasts.

Regardless of the subject, I’ve set out to appear on every show I can. I did this to further the idea of building my confidence. However, it has also allowed me to directly address new audiences, which may be followers or customers.

In addition to the apparent network benefits, this can also contribute to your SEO efforts. Podcast hosts typically prepare show notes for each episode. On this page, they’ll contain links for your site and social media pages. So, even if no one listens to your podcast, you’ll at least have a backlink that can help continue marketing campaigns.

If you need to become an experienced public speaker, appearing on other podcasts may be an excellent way to gradually increase your confidence and create a podcast that’s your own. So, when the chance arises, could you take advantage of it?


Video content


Video is hands-down the most convenient way to consume video.

Written material must be read attentively for the information to be fully absorbed. Audio content demands you to concentrate. However, it’s great when you’re on the move and can’t do anything else, like walking or driving. However, it’s not the best option when you’re trying to multitask.

Video lets you relax, watch and enjoy. Furthermore, because you can create a captivating experience by using images in conjunction with audio, viewers are more likely to pay attention to the video content.

There are numerous methods to distribute and enjoy videos. Nearly every social network allows users to share videos in some form, giving you plenty of opportunities to showcase your personality and offer value.

YouTube and other video platforms are also search engines, So if you make helpful material, viewers will look for it, discover it, and consume it.

Suppose you’re brave enough to be on camera. In that case, this is an opportunity for people to become familiar with you, admire your personality, and trust you—a great way to establish an image. However … for introverts like me, the video is terrifying—as of the writing phase of this book, stepping onto a camera is still a little scary. I’m not sure I’m comfortable on camera. Therefore I haven’t yet tapped into its full potential.

However, that doesn’t mean I’m not trying. I’ve been compelled to do occasional live streams on Instagram. I’ve also appeared as a guest on several video podcasts. In general, if asked to be a part of an event that requires me to be on camera, I’ll participate.

I am convinced of the importance of video content. I will continue to take on situations out of my comfort zone. I encourage you to do the same.

Awards and juries



If you are the recipient of one award, you’ll be able to forever claim yourself as an award-winning designer. It not only makes you feel happy, however, but it also sounds impressive to your clients.

Numerous reliable industry awards are listed at the bottom of this book if you decide to apply for them.

I’ve had the privilege of winning an award of gold at the International Visual Identity Awards, and I also have seen my work within my Logo Lounge books several times. Admittedly, it’s a little compared to other designers I’ve met. However, it has always been a top priority for me.

It is essential to realize that most awards are businesses that profit from designers’ cravings to be gratified. It comes at a time when it’s more about vanity. However, more prominent awards will draw clients, so I’m happy with the significance.

We work independently, so naturally, we would like to ensure that our designs are among the best. Still, most often, it’s money from someone else’s pockets.

This is the reason I want to be a member of juries instead. It’s just as impressive as winning. However, it also puts you as an industry expert. It’s something that I do without cost and enjoys immensely. In some instances, I’ve been invited to participate in this activity, while in others, I’ve been a volunteer.

I’ve been chosen for jury selection because I’ve gained a significant social media following. The agreement usually will require that I write or write about the awards, which means this is free public relations for the award recipients. I gain value from the arrangement, which is a mutually beneficial arrangement.


Qualifications and certifications



If you hold any degree or certification, you can mention it on your website. This will show your skills and knowledge and an additional level of confidence.

I’m not a person with any formal education in design. But I have a lot of experience working in design teams that can give you the same level of trust. In my writing, I’ll talk about my previous experience and the well-known businesses I’ve created for working in these roles.

Even though I do not have any formal education, I strive to obtain accreditations in branding and logo design, which I’ll list on my website and on sales pitches.


Social Proof


If you’re looking to buy a new computer, what do you do to decide which one is the most effective? The majority of us look up reviews or consult a friend. However, the attitudes and actions of those around you influence your choice. This is called social proof, and we can leverage this as designers.

Imagine if a customer was picking between two designers with solid portfolios. One of them only has a portfolio. Another mentions that they’ve received awards, are featured in well-known magazines, and have hundreds of reviews and thousands of social followers.

Which one would you prefer? Which one would you choose? Which is more valuable?

There might be no distinction between the level of service or the expertise between the designer and the client; however, there is a sense of confidence gained from social evidence. This is why I’ve made it an explicit aspect of my business plan.

We’ve talked about a number of the factors that influence social proof—for example, gaining a significant social following, winning awards, participating in juries, podcasting guests, and getting certificates.

However, there’s more.


Book & Magazine & Publication Features



You might be featured in books or magazines or in articles published on popular websites like Forbes and Entrepreneur.

A simple way to be included in a book of logos is to join the Logo Lounge. Each year, they pick the top designs from those uploaded to include them in an ebook. I’ve had the pleasure of being fortunate enough to have been showcased in several publications and being part of the jury.


I’ve also had the opportunity to be featured in a couple of magazines. But, again, this is the consequence of regularly making posts on Twitter.

Suppose you post and interact with your social media followers. In that case, Your following will increase, and the people who work in your field will gravitate to your company. In addition, when writers require someone to provide expertise for an article, they’ll likely seek you out because you’re easily accessible. This is how I’ve been recognized on Dot Net, Photoshop Creative, and 99U, and also how I’ve contributed to Creative Bloq.


I’ve also had the privilege to be mentioned in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and AdWeek.

The AdWeek mention was due to an interview I conducted with a guest on my radio show. They wanted opinions on various logos. Since I was among the people on his network who knew about logo design, I got asked to participate.

Forbes and Entrepreneur features were made possible by an associate freelance writer who writes for numerous websites. Because he often needs tips and advice for his writing, I’ve joined his trusted group of experts.


This is the reason why networking is so practical!

Your reputation will earn trust, which determines the quality of leads you get, the number of leads you convert, and the cost you charge. That’s why I keep working to improve my standing as a designer as well as why you ought to, too.

If you have ideas for creating a reputation, feel free to talk about them with the Tig media page on Facebook. Or, if you’d like to discuss this topic with me, as well as a tiny group of like-minded designers in the group Zoom calls every couple of months, send me a message. I’ll inform you more about Tig media Trivandrum.

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