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Logo Design Company in Trivandrum

“Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business”

Steve Forbes could not have said it better.

Any business, be it a legacy or a start-up, must first recognise that creating a logo design company in Trivandrum is not a one-day affair. A good brand is like a signature dish, with the exact ingredients in the right order, it will not fail to impress. Launching a revolutionary product, or having an attractive logo and tagline, creating a strong social media presence etc, are the small ingredients we need to take care of in order to create a profitable business. And we must keep adding flavours to this dish again and again in order to sustain and improve it

I have an attractive LOGO, is it enough?

Although the term branding is loose interchanged with logo, a logo alone does not create a brand. A logo design is one of the main components in the design of a successful brand. Designing a logo that aligns with the business model is key, and at the same time it should be impactful enough to get recognized by your targeted audience.

Designing a good logo.

The first step in branding is developing a logo that can immediately be associated with your business. And that is easier said than done. Knowing the USP of your business will guide you in concentrating on that aspect and help in creating a logo that reflects it. Add in good research on the audience, and a survey of the market trends and voila, a successful logo is created!

Creating a tagline.

A picture speaks a thousand words, yet it helps if you add a few words of your own to give the audience a nudge in the right direction. A brand does not rely on a beautiful logo alone, a creative and meaningful tagline or slogan also goes a long way in registering in the minds of an impressionable consumer. Often the tagline reflects the core belief of the company, what the product offers to its buyers and thus helps establish a relationship with the users.

Highlighting your Core Values

As mentioned before, the core values of a company are what set it apart from its competitors. In the age where the market is much more aggressive and nothing remains stagnant, businesses have to be constantly on their toes. But the core values of a brand never change, and that is what consumers will be looking at when making their choices.

If you claim constant innovation as your core value, then it should reflect not only in your products but also in your marketing, add that touch of creativity in your ads. If upholding community values and heritage is your tagline, then the business strategy should also include community drives & the company should have CSR(Cor[porate Social Responsibility) activities.

Consistency is key.

“A great brand is a story that is never completely told.”

Scott Bedbury

After setting up a market presence, it is important to not sit back and relax. The next step should be to constantly reinforce the values portrayed by your brand be it with social media interaction, creative ads or innovations in your business itself.

We at TIG Media, have over the years helped many businesses establish their brand identity. Starting from logo design company in Trivandrum to social media marketing, you can contact us today to grow from being just business into building a brand.


Author admin

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