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Logo Designing in 2021: How To Keep It Minimal

The concept of minimalism dates decades back with artists in the 1960’s protesting against the complex artwork of the age. And over the years we see a recurring need of the masses to return to basics, in an attempt to gain focus on what is important. So if you are looking for a change in your branding, or logo, introducing minimalism may just be the key to hold the audience’s attention. At TIG Media our best logo designing team in Trivandrum, Kerala

At a glance minimalist logo designs may seem to be child’s play-something that you could draw in your sleep! But it takes an ample amount of skill to find just the right amount of balance in design, colour and space utilization to impart that weightage to a simple design. The Japanese are well known for their perusal of simplistic designs and use of spaces, similarly the Dutch have been noted for their harmonic minimalist designs, while the very quote of “Less is more” belongs to the German architect Ludwig Miles van der Rohe. 

So what do you need to keep in mind to make your brand embrace minimalism? How is a minimalistic design created?

Key Factors in Minimalistic Design Logos


Make geometric shapes, your friend. If you must have a visual imagery incorporated in your logo, then basic geometric shapes can come in handy to give that sleek look to your logo. We are all familiar with the iconic images of Airbnb, Windows logos. In fact, shapes have been known to play at a whole other level in the psyche of the human brain. Many brands prefer to have a combination of 2 or more shapes to soften the effect of a single dominant one. 


In minimalist logo designs the norm is to stick to two-colour tones. But then we have Google’s logo! So the key is to find a balance, be it monochromatic, two-toned or a palette of colours, the idea is to not overwhelm the eyes or become a visual chaotic apparition. Always try to stick to complementary colours, whether it’s for the font or the logo design itself. Colour palette also depends on what your brand is, like a gaming company would definitely prefer a more stunning array of colours than a monochromatic one.


If your logo consists of just the brand name, then a unique yet creative font will be suitable for a move into minimalistic branding. But always remember to draw a line between creativity and illegible font! Brands that bank on just their name like Google, FedEx, Dolby etc, provide a very good example of how you can be minimal yet stand out.

If you are keen to rebrand and jump onto the minimalist band wagon, but clearly don’t know where to start, drop a line with us today. At TIG Media our professional logo designing team in Trivandrum, have studied the latest market trends and we will be happy to help you launch your dream logo at an unbeatable price.


Author admin

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